The author began by explaining the virtue of remembrance of God, then separated the virtue of some special remembrances, such as praising Allah, seeking forgiveness, seeking forgiveness, the Qur’an, and praying for the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. And when sleeping, dressing, entering the house, the outdoors, the market, the mosque, the supplication of the traveler, when eating and pronouncing in the council (the expiation of the council), the hum of the call to prayer, thunder, looking in the mirror, memorizing the Qur’an, some words, and so on. The sheikh read it. Abdul Halim Mahmoud (Sheikh of Al-Azhar) in about 580 texts
ISBN: 9782745171733
AUTHOR: Sheikh Ahmed Abdel-Gawad
TRANSLATOR: Muhyiddin Al-Salaq
LANGUAGE: Bilingual (Arabic & English Translation Text)
BINDING: Hardback
PAGES: 320 Pages
DIMENSIONS: 14 x 20 x 2.18 cm
WEIGHT: 0.45 kg
PUBLISHER: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah (DKi, Beirut)