'The Reign of Quantity' is an attack on the scientism of the modern World. In these beautiful and profound pages, Rene Guenon looks back to an ancient Wisdom, once common to both East and West but now almost entirely lost. Contemporary civilisation itself — with its industrial societies and illusory notions of progress — is his target. In particular, he shows that today’s sciences and social sciences are dominated by a quantitative approach, thus they neglect the idea of quality. To this “reign of quantity” he opposes the sacred metaphysics of the ancients, which he sees as rooted in Divine Truth. His book is ultimately a warning against the real danger that humanity faces today — a warning all the more urgent because that danger is unperceived by those from whom guidance is sought and expected.
“Works of Rene Guenon present the writings of one of the greatest sages of our time, whose voice is even more important today than when he was alive.” — Huston Smith
AUTHOR: René Guénon
BINDING: Hardback
PAGES: 371
PUBLISHER: Suhail Academy
CATEGORIES: Original Works, Wisdom Transitions - Metaphysics, Cosmology, Tradition, Symbolism