The Dictionary 'Al-Qamus' Arabic-English General & Scientific Dictionary

R 799


The Dictionary contains thousands of  words related to Science, technology, history and various other sections. This Dictionary also contains general terms and terms related to science, Medical, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Informatics, Engineering and many others related areas.

Some characteristics of the dictionary:

  • It contains more than 55,000 Arabic words with their meaning in the English language.
  • Most of the Arabic words are explained by other Arabic ones, so this dictionary can be considered Arabic-Arabic-English dictionary.
  • The dictionary includes illustrations and scientific forms at the end of the dictionary.
  • The dictionary also includes terms in the field of science, medicine, mathematics, physics, chemistry, informatics, engineering, etc...


ISBN: ​9788187570011
AUTHOR: Research & Studies Centre
COLABORATORS: A. Farah, M. Said, R.N. Karim & S.K. Eduard
LANGUAGE: Arabic-English
BINDING: Hardback
PAGES: 979 Pages
DIMENSIONS: 17 x 24 cm
WEIGHT: 1.12 kg
PUBLISHER: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah 

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