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Man, the Unknown: This classic work speaks to the need of a better knowledge of man. A man of science endeavors to describe the known and to separate it clearly from the plausible; to recognize the existence of the unknown and the unknowable. The immense information on human beings available now prevents us from using it properly. Knowledge must be synthetic and concise and the book intends to build up an intelligible synthesis and describes a large number of fundamental facts in a very simple manner, without being elementary and indulging in scientific popularization. Both for the scholar and the layman, the book presents an ensemble of scientific data concerning the human beings of our time. We are beginning to realize the weakness of our civilization and want to shake off the dogmas imposed upon us by modern society. This book is for those who are bold enough to understand the necessity, not only of mental, political, and social changes, but of the overthrow of industrial civilization and of the advent of another conception of human progress. Man Does Not Stand Alone: attempts a review of the scientific evidence of the existence of a Supreme Intelligence, and the title was chosen as a challenge to the conclusion of Julian Huxley in his book Man Stands Alone because some of the followers of Darwin had carried his deductions to the extreme of materialistic atheism while those who believed in a Supreme Intelligence and a purpose in all things took the other extreme and denied the facts of evolution though such vigorous positions were hardly needed be taken for science now has brought to light facts which go far to remove the apparent differences and enlighten both. This book, written for the average person, deals accurately with many serious yet startling facts of nature, it has all the elements of an adventure in wonderland. It is the work of a scientist, and unfolds an almost unbelievable range of scientific information for so small a volume, but this need not frighten the reader because it is full of surprises that seem to spring out of the commonplace and lead to wonderment and delight.


AUTHOR: Alexis Carrel / A. Crecy Morrison
BINDING: Hardback
PAGES: 302
PUBLISHER: Suhail Academy
CATEGORIES: Original Works, Science & the Sacred


Alexis Carrel / A. Crecy Morrison (1873–1944)

Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon and biologist, received his Doctor’s degree from the University of Lyons in 1900. He then continued his medical work at the Lyons Hospital and also taught Anatomy and Operative Surgery at the University, holding the post of Prosecutor in the Department of Professor L. Testut. Specializing in Surgery, Carrel began experimental work in this subject in Lyons in 1902, but in 1904 he went to Chicago and in 1905 worked in the Department of Physiology in the University of Chicago under Professor G. N. Stewart. In 1906 he was attached to the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, where he carried out most of his experiments. Using a small needle and very fine silk thread, Alexis Carrel developed the first successful technique for suturing blood vessels together. He then devised methods to prevent infection during surgery. For this work he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1912. He also performed some of the earliest blood transfusions between humans, and transplanted kidneys and legs between dogs.

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