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Man After Death


Man after Death, a book by Mohammed Ali Hassan Al Hilly, about the next world of souls, Doomsday, the Last Judgment, Comparative Religion…

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Major and Minor Signs of the Hour (English-Arabic)


An intense reminder and a call for preparation for what happens after death, fo rthe Hour is nigh as all but a few of it sminor signs hav…

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The Choice by Ahmed Deedat


A collection of Shaykh Ahmed Deedat's (RA) most popular series of booklets on Islam and Christianity. Ahmed Deedat , Debater Extraordinai…

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The Road to Makkah by M. Asad SALE


Muslim statesman and scholar Muhammad Asad tells the story of his road to discovery of Islam and his travels in Muslim lands, including t…

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Men and Women around the Messenger (S)


While reading this book, we cannot help but be moved by the lives of the Companions herein depicted How we long to have their awe and rev…

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Men Around the Messenger (S)


The sixty-four companions presented here are representative of that unique generation, a generation without parallel in history.

This book…

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Searching for Solace: A Biography of Abdullah Yusuf Ali


This is the first detailed account of the life and ideas of 'Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali, whose The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary…

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The Travels of Ibn Jubayr by Roland Broadhurst


Written more than eight hundred years ago and now translated into English, this is the first-hand account of a wise and scholarly Spanish…

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Stories of the Prophets by Ibn Kathir


Stories of the Prophets' from 'al-Bidayah wa-al-Nihayah' (The Beginning and the End), the great history work of Ibn Kathir. Written by Ib…

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Nurturing Eeman in Children


A plethora of parenting books on the market these days covers every aspect of dealing with your children. From the terrible twos to the t…

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Women of Paradise


“Women of Paradise” is a comprehensive guide for women seeking a fulfilling and rewarding life, written by Mufti Muhammad Irshad Ahmed Qa…

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Muslim Women: A Biographical Dictionary


Islam has always provided an incredibly flexible environment in which women may flourish and achieve their true potential. Looking back t…

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Showing items 625-636 of 922
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