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The History of the Khalifas Who Took the Right Way


The prominent Islamic researcher Jalal promotion Noise as-Suyuti's "The History of the Khalifas Who Took the Right Way" takes you through…

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The Easy Quran: A Translation in Simple English


Using simple language, the Quran, the basic text of Islam, is translated into English. Quran translations aim to make Islam's teachings m…

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Secrets to a Successful Marriage


Marriage, at its best, is a source of peace, strength and security to the couple. It is from this foundation of love and mercy that child…

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Patience and Gratitude


This book is an abridged translation of 'Uddat as-Sabirin wa dhakhirat ash-shakirin, a work which is well-known in the Arab world but whi…

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Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir : The Men of Madina (Volume 2)


This book is the translation of Volume 5 of the Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir of Ibn Sa’d which concentrates on the Tabiu’un, the generation …

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Kitab At-Tabaqat Al-Kabir Volume VI : The Scholars of Kufa


"Kitab At-Tabaqat Al-Kabir Volume VI: The Scholars of Kufa" by Aisha Bewley is a scholarly inquiry into the lively intellectual landscape…

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Illuminating the Darkness: Blacks and North Africans in Islam


Habeeb Akande's "Illuminating the Darkness" is a thought-provoking and enlightening analysis of the various experiences of Black Muslims …

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Heaven Under Your Feet


Umm, Hasan Bint Salim's "Heaven Under Your Feet" is a significant and profoundly elevating guide custom fitted for Muslim ladies, offerin…

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Dajjal : The Antichrist (Revised Edition)


Ahmad Thomson's "Dajjal: The AntiChrist" is a thought-provoking analysis of the Islamic eschatological notion of Dajjal, a figure connect…

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A Guide to Parenting in Islam: Cherishing Childhood


Muhammad Abdul Bari's "A Guide to Parenting in Islam Cherishing Childhood" is an exhaustive and thorough reference that furnishes guardia…

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A Gift for the New Muslim Mother


"A Gift for the New Muslim Mother" is a contacting and enlightening book that offers guidance, consolation, and motivation to ladies who …

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A Concise Description of Jannah & Jahannam: The Garden of Paradise and the Fire of Hell


Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani's "A Concise Description of Jannah & Jahannam" is a significant examination of the Islamic idea of the …

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Showing items 337-348 of 922
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