Browse Books

The Principles of the Creed: Book 2 of the Revival of the Religious Sciences


In the Principles of the Creed (Kitab Qawa'id al-'aqa'id), the second of the forty books of the Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya' …

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The Principles of Sufism


'A'ishah al-Ba'uniyyah of Damascus was one of the great women scholars in Islamic history. Born into a prominent family of pious scholars…

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The Personality of Allah's Last Messenger (S)


The world has not lacked for heroes or great personalities, yet most of them distinguished themselves in one field or another, unlike the…

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The Path To Paradise: Principles of Good Character & Appreciation of The Hereafter

The Path to Paradise 
Principles of Good Character & Appreciation of the Hereafter
From The Urdu Work "Allah Ta’ala se Sharam Kijiye"
By Muhamm…

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The Path Of The Prophets : A Thrilling  puzzle Adventure


They say a picture says a thousand words. That’s an understatement.

Some puzzles are fun to make. Some are great to look at. Some are…

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The Path of Muhammad: A Book on Islamic Morals & Ethics by Imam Birgivi (Spiritual Classics)


This long-awaited classic of Islamic spirituality fulfills important needs in scholarship on the history of Sufism and in the contemporar…

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The Parables of the Qur'an by Dr. Yasir Qadhi


The Qur’an is the word of Allah, it is the most eloquent and best of all speech. The Qur’an uses different rhetorical devices and parable…

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The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation around the World


Loewenstein writes a fascinating book, documented and evidence-based, on the lesser-known side of the occupation, one of the few in hist…

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“The Original and Best” My Dua’ Pillow – Pink

This soft, cuddly toy is more than just a pillow!

With our own unique child-friendly recording, recorded especially for My Dua’ Pillow, and our exclus…

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“The Original and Best” My Dua’ Pillow – Blue

This soft, cuddly toy is more than just a pillow!

With our own unique child-friendly recording, recorded especially for My Dua’ Pillow, and our exclus…

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The Onlooker's Delight : Ghibta al-Nazir Fi Tarjuma Al-Shaykh Abd al-Qadir - Bio of Abdul Qadir


This new work is the first ever English translation of the classical text Ghabtat al-Nadhir by Shaykh al Islam Hafiz ibn Hajar al-Asqalan…

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The Noble Qur'an: Meaning With Explanatory Notes - The Standard Edition


Meticulous attention and care have been taken to prepare this new edition of The Noble Qur’an: With meaning and explanatory notes by Muft…

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Showing items 121-132 of 922
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